Provision of integrated nutrition and livelihoods support to food-insecure population in Bosaso, Qardho and Garowe districts, Puntland, Somalia-KAABE Project

Over the years, Somalia has been unstable and facing an unprecedented degradation of its natural environment. There is notable increase in severity of drought and floods in recent years that have affected small holder farmers with women and youth farmers affected more than men due to better access to resources that set up climate proof infrastructure. Frequent and unpredictable extreme weather events such as drought and floods have made it impossible for communities to return to their nomadic lifestyle after displacement. The 2023 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan revealed that Somalis in general, and IDPs in particular, are facing multiple crises, including armed conflict, displacement, loss of livelihoods, food insecurity, risk of famine, and disease outbreaks. Vulnerable populations in Bari and Nugaal regions are facing a heightened risk of famine and require integrated response efforts to avert a looming catastrophe. On the same note, displacement has a profound psychosocial impact on the communities, especially women and children (especially school school-going category) as it creates substantial trauma. Additionally, displacement weakens support networks and disrupts the identities of the affected as they struggle to adapt to lifestyle changes and new environments.
Though the effects of climate change are almost evenly spread across the Somalia’s economic sectors, its consequences and land degradation are among the biggest threats to smallholder farmer groups’ operations resulting in reduced productivity. Specifically, farmers in Puntland state have in recent years become more vulnerable to land degradation and climate change risks. In this state,
In view of the above, the project aims to address the root causes of food insecurity in the target area by stimulating local food production and boosting the local economy. To this end, the project builds the technical capacity of smallholder farmers to upscale production, improve productivity and profitability through producer groups and value chain approaches.
Our project kick-off meeting held in Bari, involving all stakeholders including WFP, collaborating partners in Kobciye project of Both Bari and Nugaal, namely SADAR and SDC, Ministry of education, Ministry of Agriculture, School feeding program coordinator joined the meeting and served as a pivotal moment in officially launching our project activities. This gathering unified stakeholders’ understanding, setting a collaborative tone and fostering enthusiasm among participants. It emphasized the cooperative nature of our endeavor and laid the groundwork for synchronized efforts.
Overall Objectives:
To improve the food security, nutrition, and livelihoods of food-insecure populations, particularly vulnerable and school-going children, in Puntland State, Somalia.
Specific objective(s): Outcome(s
Outcome 1:
Smallholder farmer producer groups are developed, and their capacity strengthened, with the aim of becoming all-inclusive, self-governing and demand-driven community-based organizations.
Outcome 2:
Smallholder farmer producer groups expand production capacity, improving overall food and nutrition security.
Outcome 3:
Smallholder farmers have increased quality production through adoption of climate-friendly technologies.
Outcome 4:
Smallholder farmers have improved income security through diversified livelihoods.
1.1.1. Rapid Situation assessment and community consultations
1.1.2. All-inclusive beneficiary selection
1.1.3. Community Action planning process held at the community level
1.1.4. Establishment of smallholder farmer producer groups
1.1.5. Producer groups’ management elected, and good governance procedures established
1.1.6. Training on good producer groups governance, leadership, and bookkeeping practices provided
2.1.1. Identification of opportunities for reclamation of wasteland and subsequent training
2.1.2. Training on good agricultural practices and marketing concepts
2.1.3. SBCC provided on production and consumption of nutritious food provided
2.1.4. Support to market access provided for new livelihoods outputs
3.1.1. Training provided on post-harvest loss reduction and new technologies provided
4.1.1. New livelihoods introduced to producer groups and training provided
4.1.2. Support provided for market access for surplus production
4.1.3. Distribution of Plastic stackable crates (1000pcs)
4.1.4. Establishment of Smart climate Demo-farms (9 plots).