Construction of 300 soil bunds in Fiqifuliye
The project is to concentrate for Animal feeding in terms of folder production after soil bunds is being built by the community through food for asset. The project site is in half km from Fiqifuliye, Ceerigaabo district- Sanaag region. The number of soild bunds are 300, each with the dimension is 30mx1mx0.7m, In Fiqifuliye Soil bands and folder production was the most appropriate project to be implemented because the area is in platue where the water follow in a streams that could lead gullies unless water should be diverted to the pasture lands in which fodder will grow to this area, 50,000 animals will feed this fodder most likely sheeps and goats. The livelihood of the community will increase because their livestock will increase its productivities, this is the reason why the community selected this project to be implemented in that area. SEDO team has organized the community to bring their priority during the community consultation conducted in Fiqifuliye, the different groups of the community has put forward as number one priority to the soil bunds and folder production. Therefore, according to the community priority where SEDO has proposed this project to WFP.
The livelihood of the community will increase because their livestock will increase its productivities, and at the same time food will be distributed in each month of the activities by WFP as proposed by SEDO which intern will contribute to address the food insecurity for the target community. The village is targeted because they are food-insecure areas, prone to recurring natural disasters (Drought), vulnerable to wide fluctuations in production and periodic food shortages within Somalia. These are the most food insecure populations as they have been receiving the drought assistance. The proposed activities of Soil bands in Fiqifuliye started to be implemented during the long Dayr season from July-Dec 2019 and the communities have participated the project activities.
The project will target 170 participants (1,020 beneficiaries) who will directly benefit from the food/voucher assistance component since they will participate the project activities. In addition, an estimated population of 50,000 animals will also benefit from the project through folder production.